Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I believe wholly in predestination, and I fail to understand why people have a problem with it. God knows everything; that is made quite clear. He knows the path you will take, and he knows how it will end. But that should not take away your hope. God knows that you will change your mind. What we do not realize is that our destiny has not been changed in the process. Our destiny has always been to make that decision, although it may never have been apparent to us. For example, if someone has been an Atheist for twenty years and is one day converted to Christianity, that person's life may be different as a result. However, that person's destiny has always been to make that decision; a life may be changed, but a destiny may not.
Our path is known by God, but do not believe he has constricted it. We must still choose the path; we must still make the decisions. Do not believe that things cannot be changed, or that you cannot determine your destiny. You decide your fate; you can change your life, but God always knew you would. God gave us our minds so that we could make decisions on our own. Do not let predestination bother you. You still have a choice. Just see the big picture, and realize that fate is there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you ever, by chance, read the book God's Debris. it deals with some of the things you mentioned in this entry.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

I haven't; nor have I heard of it. I'll check it out next time I get a chance.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Nikki B said...

Predestination precludes free will.

God does know all, and he does know how you will choose and the results of that choice. But that is *not* predestination. That's omniscience.

Predestination from websters is defined as

The act of God foreordaining all things gone before and to come.

That is much different. That means that your life, every choice you make or will make has already been made for you. That is the direct opposite of free will, which is a cornerstone of Christianity and Judaism.

You are free to choose as you please. God has not chosen for you.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

I apologize. In that case, I was referring not to Predestination, but destiny itself. It is obvious God has given us free will. I simply meant that our destiny is there before we are born (to me, that would sound like predestination). I obviously misunderstood the definition of predestination. As it stands, I fail to see how anyone could believe God would make all our choices. If that was so, he would most certainly not let us sin. Thus, predestination as you have defined it could not be true.

1:07 PM  

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