Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Spirit of Christmas

It seems like Christmas has been overdone. It has become a nonchristian celebration when only a handful of people go to church, most people don't even think about why they're celebrating, and they are worshipping their gifts more than God. It's become much too commercialized. Buisnesses have over time ruined the outlook on Christmas to the point that Christianity has for the most part pushed out of it. How many people do you think wake up on Christmas Day and think "I'll read the Bible today and glorify the Lord," "I should pray before I start the day," or "I am going to thank the Lord for giving his only Son for me today." Kids around the globe immediately wake up their parents and open all their presents! Why are they all so excited? If their father mentioned the birth of Christ and said they should pray and read the Bible, some of them would probably say "Daddy, can't we just have fun, it's Christmas after all, and I want to try out my new toys." We are all- not just kids- too distracted by presents, gifts, and giving, which over time has become known as the "spirit of Christmas," but it is NOT important compared to celebrating Christ! I know you've heard it everywhere, and everyone seems fixed only on what they are giving and getting, but that's not what Christmas is about! It's all about Jesus, and celebrating the day he was born. Duh! "Christ" mas! The spirit of giving is very important, but it should not climax at Christmas and disappear. You can't just say "I've done my giving for this year" once Christmas is over. That defeats the purpose! It should inspire a spirit of giving not for one day but for the entire year!
Also, Christmas originated from Christianity, yet how important is Easter in American culture? Easter is a more important Christian holiday in my opinion and at the least equal to the birth of Christ to most Christians, compared to Christmas? Do we light candles every week in anticipation? Do we buy enormous gifts for everyone we know? No. On the other hand, I am glad to see that the "spirit" of Easter has been kept to Christianity and the resurrection of Christ, and that is not quite as commercialized, although the Easter bunny thing has made it a major holiday. I am also glad to see that most Christians do go to church on Easter. Easter has been kept a Christian holiday, but it is not considered as important as Christmas to most people. I just wish that people would realize the true meaning of Christmas. It's not getting, it's not even giving. It's the birth of Christ.
Finally, why do people prepare for Christmas for weeks and then throw everything away and move on the day after? It bothers me that some people actually complain if you leave your Christmas decorations up! People assume that you're just too lazy to take them down. You should not just celebrate Christmas for one day! I think it's great that some people leave their decorations up. I am not, however, excusing people that still have decorations up in late January. That probably is laziness. However, you should leave your decorations up for, at the very least, a few days, so that you might be reminded of the Christmas you just enjoyed.
Merry Christmas!


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