Saturday, December 04, 2004

Creation vs Evolution

Modern human knowledge tells us of a past created by nature, by chance events over billions of years. Scientists tell us we come from a single cell formed on Earth as it cooled and water formed. The Bible tells us we were formed by the hands of God. You cannot possibly believe it happened either way. History tells us we, humans, were not created in an instant, but over years, through records of archaelogical digs, etc. But how can you possibly believe it happened with no influence at all? I believe God works through science. I believe every miracle is a combination of science and divine influence from God. If you looked deeper, you might discover an explanation to every miracle, but it is formed by a chance event. Who makes it happen? Christians who believe the Bible is a complete truth are right in one sense, but wrong in another. The Bible contains no lies, but it cannot be interpreted easily. In Genesis God creates the world in a week, but, as it has been stated before, who is to say how God sees a week? Likewise, you cannot judge anything in the Bible to not have the influence of time. If the people mentioned in the Bible told you their story, you can bet it would be different than the Bible portrays it. The Gospels prove this. Here you have four different stories, of the same story. The true story is likely a combination of the four, and different from even that. I had a teacher in seventh grade that needed to explain evolution to the class. I found her opening statements on the subject disturbing. She said that "If you are Christian and don't believe in evolution, that's fine, but I have to teach it anyway." The first thing I have a problem with is the idea that no Christian can believe in evolution. I am aware that some parts may not be completely agreeable, but in general I believe in evolution, in the general sense that over time species change. I don't know all the details, so I cannot criticize or praise Darwin's ideas really. The second thing that bothered me was that she assumed Christians wouldn't want to learn about evolution! That is a horrible view to be put on Christians! We must be open to new ideas at all times, and at least listen to them. How can you say an idea is wrong because it opposes Christianity if you do not know what the idea is? You must first learn what is stated, and then decide whether or not it is true.
So, in summary, I, a United Methodist (although I am not sure I represent their ideas in saying this), believe in both science and religion. The two go hand in hand for me. You cannot dismiss God, and you cannot dismiss facts, although God may. I believe science was the hand of God in creating this world.


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