Monday, February 14, 2005


Along with all the other famous holidays, I believe Saint Valentine's Day (see, it already sounds wrong to say even that; it is now known only as Valentine's Day) is being destroyed and its true meaning forgotten. Saint Valentine's Day is a day of love, not a day of lovers. It is a day to express not only a love for your partner, but also a day to express your love to others. As Christians we are called to love our neighbors, both our friends and enemies. I believe Saint Valentine would be ashamed of today's holiday, as we have obviously forgotten the more important half in the midst of this commercialized society.
However, since society has focused only on love for one's partner, I will do the same.
In the Bible I have noticed two viewpoints on love that I find interesting.
(NIV) Song of Songs 7:6 "Oh, how delightful you are, my beloved; how pleasant for utter delight!"
(NIV) 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 "Now I say to those who aren't married and to widows- it's better to stay unmarried, just as I am. But if they can't control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It is better to marry than to burn with lust."
This is an amazing contrast to me. Except in Song of Songs, it is quite difficult to find a verse which supports love and marriage. Even when Eve is first created, it only says "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." (NIV, Genesis 2:24) Not very supportive, eh? Indeed, the Bible only supports marriage when the alternative is sin. Today's world has forgotten this. I believe this was said because it is easier to focus on God without marriage. If your relationship strengthened your faith in God, Paul may have agreed to marriage without hesitation, but I cannot know. This may also be a case of context, since it is a letter to the Corinthians. It may not apply to the rest of us.
As for love in today's world, it has become twisted. Of course, teenagers have never understood what love is, but the ways they would define it today are more twisted than ever. If a person asks me if I have a girlfriend I answer very hesitantly, because my "girlfriend" does not fit today's definition. If I say yes, several misled and confused questions follow. "Is she cute? Have you ever made out?" These questionings bother me, as even though I want people to know, I would prefer to be the one describing her, rather than answering specific questions. We have never "made out," never kissed, never even held hands. As I said, she does not fit today's definition. I am convinced it is foolish to do such things at the start of a relationship! As with most things in life, the bigger the foundation, the more amazing the building can be. If you don't have a foundation, you leave no room to add on to what you have, and the relationship will fail.
I hear people talk about dating, and they say that they date the "cool people" to be more "cool." That is the strangest thing I have ever heard! Certainly they are not speaking of dating but something else! That is not love, and in the end there will be consequences, but few benefits. In the words of Linkin Park, "In the end, it doesn't even matter." If you haven't noticed, very few adults worry about what they are doing is "cool." Do you really think you will be different?
If you want to determine how true your relationship is, do not look to the present, but the future. Compare how much you think of the present to how much you think of the future in your relationship. A true relationship is one in which you look forward to the next ten years more than the next few weeks.
This Saint Valentine's Day, don't just celebrate your relationship, also pray for it. Nothing can survive without God, a relationship being no exception. If you have a valentine, pray that God will strengthen your relationship and allow it to last. If not, pray that God will guide you to the right person when the time comes, for God answers all prayers in time. I prayed for several years for this, and I believe it has paid off, as two and a half years ago I met for the first time a girl who saw past the surface and into my heart.
Also, do not forget to pray for your neighbors, your friends and enemies. Share your Christian love on this day.
Happy Valentine's Day!
~For Aramaia, my first valentine


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