Thursday, January 27, 2005

Crackdown on Religion

It seems to me like the government is undermining religion in America bit by bit. When our forefathers founded this nation they had an idea called "Separation of Church and State." Over time, this idea has fallen farther and farther from what it was meant to be. Ever since this government was formed there have been no mentionable problems with religion interfering in government, yet over time the government is pushing religion farther and farther away. Our nation was founded upon Christianity, yet we push it away. The Pilgrims came to America not to ignore all other religions as we are now trying to, but to feel FREE to practice any religion. We have come to a point where religion is being prohibited in any function of government, and where people have become afraid to practice religion at some times. Teachers are not allowed to pray during class, while we also pass laws like banning the Pledge of Allegiance from most schools because it "violates some religions," since some religions do not allow followers to pledge allegiance to any object or person. Yet because of the few that will not, all students in the school cannot. This is not a step in the right direction, but a step BACKWARD. It should not bother a religiously tolerant person that other people want to pray at any time, or want to profess their loyalty to their country. Also, I think that lawsuits against religion in schools, etc., are truly ironic. All religions should be tolerant of all others, and it should not bother a person that other people want to practice their religion, as long as neither one is being oppressed. It seems to me that Christianity in particular is being pushed away, while other religions are encouraged. Our time as an influence on government is coming to an end, it seems. However, let our light not fade, but shine stronger than before unto an ever darkening world. We cannot give up. Rather, we must fight this all the harder.


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