Thursday, February 03, 2005

Cultural Phenomenon

As an assignment in English 10 today, students were told to begin writing an essay on a "cultural phenomenon." Before we started, the teacher asked the class for some examples so that the students would have some ideas.

Foul Language
"Desperate Housewives"
Plastic Surgery
Open Sexuality

All of the above made the list, along with around thirteen other not-so-horrible ones. However there were a few that were pushed by the students to be on the list to which the teacher objected, such as Pornography, which was named several times.
Even though I know all of this to be true, it still shocks me to see this list. It not only proves that these "phenomenons" have become accepted by today's society, but also that tenth grade students are not at all embarrassed to admit it, even to their teachers in school.
This disappoints me! I am ashamed for it seems that today's culture has utterly and completely failed as a positive influence on the world around us. It pains me that the people of this world are no longer concerned about such horrible ideas, thoughts, and media! Yet so many of these people would call themselves Christians, these people that do not try to resist this culture as it slowly destroys us. Hypocrisy runs rampant in today's world.
In saying this I do not mean that all Christians should be perfect, but that they should try to follow God and be more like Him, for he is the only role model we need. I simply oppose those of us who go to church on Sunday but are another person for every other day of the week.
The day of judgement is coming as it always has been, and the Lord is giving us a chance to erase this list and make a new one. After all, we forgot the most important cultural phenomenon of all. Religion.


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