Monday, February 28, 2005


The following is a copy of an essay which was written as practice for the NC Writing Test. It is also a lead-in to a more important topic which may be added tonight or tomorrow.
Diversity allowed humanity to survive the perils of this world. Had we not been as diverse as we are, an epidemic could have easily wiped us all out long ago. However, human nature is allowing this benefit to have a negative effect as well. We see those that are different and hate swells up in so many of us. It is truly ironic to hate those of us that are different, because they are only as rare as the rest of us. Nonetheless, human hate must be placed on something, so when we have no other enemies we place it on ourselves. Should our diversity not have a positive effect on society? Our differences in social status, looks, and ideas allow us to thrive, and humanity would fail without this diversity.
If our social statuses were all the same, for example, our society would fail. We need diversity in social status because we need to have some people do some jobs and others do equally important jobs. This specialization allows us to each do what we desire, with little fear of lack of people working in other jobs. If we lost our diversity, we would lose our motivation as well. There would be no reason to try harder, to do a better job, because we would all be left the same regardless in the end. Our social statuses are an important part of our diversity.
We all look different. This is essential also, for if we were all identical physically, we could never recognize one another! However, this part of diversity is now often used negatively as we allow culture to tell us what a person should look like. This definition, what we call beauty, is an intricate veil which shields from vies who a person truly is. We are not what we look like. We should be proud not of how much better we look, but how much better we are. Physical diversity is necessary for the survival of humanity, although it is now often misused. This is the second part to diversity.
Based on how we were raised and what we see around us, we all come to have differing beliefs and ideas. This is by far the least helpful and most harmful part of diversity. Differing opinions cause more arguments than results. They also often cause disunity as people divide themselves based on their views. If we were all to have the same views, life would certainly be much less interesting, but all of the conflicts of this world would be solved. However, since we live in a world of diversity, we are obligated to find our own answers to the philosophical questions we face. We are also obligated to express the answers we find in a way that would not cause more significant disunity. Opinion is the third and final part to diversity.
Our diversity allowed humanity to survive epidemics and plagues, and so we have come to where we are now. Our diversity has taken on another role in today's world. Diversity in social status, physical appearance, and personal opinion has made society what it is. Specialization in jobs allows us to work in a job in a field where we have much interest, and since we are diverse in such interests, we can fill all the jobs we need. Also, ironically, our of our diversity, we have developed a desire to all be alike physically. The current definition of beauty has become an important part of our society as a result. Philosophical and moral opinions change the way our society works as well. Our different opinions organize us into groups that are all seeking what is right. Diversity is the largest factor that affects our world today.


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