Friday, January 28, 2005


For the first time since the foundation of this country, less people are looking forward to the next ten years than in the last ten years. Global warming, national debt, overpopulation, and scarce supplies of oil, among other resources, are making citizens of the US as well as those of many other countries in the world fear what may come next. Some scientists are now predicting that if we don't stop polluting our Earth this way within the next ten years, there will be no going back after that. Even though this may not be the most reliable of predictions, it shows all the more that time is indeed running out. The US government is now sponsoring a meter that tells how likely it is that a person will set off a bomb or fly a plane into a building in the US because they feel like the best way to die is to take down some Americans with them in the process. Obviously, respect for America is diminishing around us. It seems like every week we hear about another disaster in Iraq, and how none of our troops are given respect, and apparently some don't give respect to the Iraqis either. It's too bad that we can't be represented the way we should. However, as long as there are a few soldiers overseas that remain dishonorable, they will be the ones that will ruin our reputation. Also, you hear songs on the radio these days that are realizing something is not right. "Where is the love?" by The Black Eyed Peas says "Overseas yeah we been tryin to stop terrorism, but we still got terrorism here livin in the USA, the big CIA, the bloods and the crypts and the KKK." Apparently, people are beginning to notice that things aren't getting much better these days for our country, a problem that I personally feel cannot be blamed solely on the president but mostly on the people of our country. One other thing I've noticed is that this generation lacks the great thinkers and influential speakers that other generations had. Rather than looking up to people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Einstein, or Darwin, we look to musicians and actors to fill those empty holes that thinkers and scientists used to fill. Now, in a time where there is no other foe, we have begun making foes of one another. We need to be led back to peace with one another, a task which musicians and actors are not fit to accomplish.
This is a sad thought and perhaps an unreasonable thought, but I fear for the next generation. I have wondered if it would be worth it to have children in this world where the future looks all the more grim with each passing moment. This worries me, for if I decide not to put children through a dark future, who will be there in my old age? I despise that I must consider this as an option at all, but it is something I feel must be taken into account. I do not think of it often, however, because I know when the time comes the Lord will lead me to what is right, and I do not believe he will lead me to not have children.
If this could be the slow start to Revelation, a possibility that I feel all generations must be aware of, I would take a very different view than if the coming years were simply another dark chapter in the history of the Earth. I would certainly have children if this is so. I would do my best to raise them to be strong Christians so that the Lord would be forced to take them into heaven when the time comes. I would be proud of them.
So, I pray. I pray that the Lord may guide us through the years to come and bless us with the wisdom to know what is right. I pray also that He may help us in our decisions, and lead us to the choice He desires. Finally, I pray that He may help the leaders of this world to come to the right decisions for the countries of this world in the trying years to come.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Crackdown on Religion

It seems to me like the government is undermining religion in America bit by bit. When our forefathers founded this nation they had an idea called "Separation of Church and State." Over time, this idea has fallen farther and farther from what it was meant to be. Ever since this government was formed there have been no mentionable problems with religion interfering in government, yet over time the government is pushing religion farther and farther away. Our nation was founded upon Christianity, yet we push it away. The Pilgrims came to America not to ignore all other religions as we are now trying to, but to feel FREE to practice any religion. We have come to a point where religion is being prohibited in any function of government, and where people have become afraid to practice religion at some times. Teachers are not allowed to pray during class, while we also pass laws like banning the Pledge of Allegiance from most schools because it "violates some religions," since some religions do not allow followers to pledge allegiance to any object or person. Yet because of the few that will not, all students in the school cannot. This is not a step in the right direction, but a step BACKWARD. It should not bother a religiously tolerant person that other people want to pray at any time, or want to profess their loyalty to their country. Also, I think that lawsuits against religion in schools, etc., are truly ironic. All religions should be tolerant of all others, and it should not bother a person that other people want to practice their religion, as long as neither one is being oppressed. It seems to me that Christianity in particular is being pushed away, while other religions are encouraged. Our time as an influence on government is coming to an end, it seems. However, let our light not fade, but shine stronger than before unto an ever darkening world. We cannot give up. Rather, we must fight this all the harder.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A Reason to Live

A question that I believe we all ask ourselves is "why am I alive?" We all want the answer, but nobody seems to know it. At church you are told that you live to worship God. On the radio, music tells you that love is the only thing worth living for. Culture tells you that you should live for money, and for material possessions.
For me, there is a simple answer to this question. If you give your life to the Lord, then everything else will fall into place. In Christ, there are no heartbreaks, no losses. If you let him guide you in your life then he will give you a reason to live day to day. I try to live in a way that pleases Him so that when my time comes I will see His glory in Heaven. That is truly the only reason you should need to live. Unlike so many people, I look forward to the day of my death because it is the day I will be in Heaven with my Father. It should not be a day of mourning but a day of celebration. I do not look for it to come sooner, however, because while God lets me live I must use my life for him.
It is a privilege to live, but we should not fear death.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Point of View

If we could all shake off the first-person point of view we have become so accustomed to and instead take on the view of the world itself, then all the problems of this world would be solved. Instead of thinking for yourself, think of what you are doing to everyone- and everything- else in this world. We live in our own little world without considering the consequences of our actions. Think of an action as simple as taking out the trash. It's not your problem anymore, right? The city will take care of it. But it is still a problem. Realize that each time you do that you are taking up more and more space and filling the world with your waste. Take on the view of the world. You may be rid of it- but the world is not.