Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Response To A Belief

I found the following post on a blog as I was just surfing today. This guy's ideas are similar to someone I know, so I found it interesting to read an entire blog post based on the ideas. I particularly enjoyed responding to everything he said, and I am glad that I was able to. I think that most people hear these kind of ideas and just run away from them. They look at them and just say: that guy is evil. When this happens, it only strengthens their faith in these ideas, because we have not contested them. As we retreat in horror, they see it as: wow, you're right, but I don't care, I have my own beliefs and they'll never change no matter what. In order to shake someone's faith in their ideas, you have to stand up to them first. (Please understand, I'm not trying to make myself a hero for being the one that did, I just don't want to be the only one; a single person does not speak as loud as a group) Also, to help with the confusion between all the quotes, what I'm saying now will have >> in front of it. Anyway, here it is.

People, there is no god. Start Coping.

People like quick and snappy answers to questions these days, which explains a lot about how readily they embrace sound bites, catchphrases, and pre-fabricated belief systems. So here's a quick, snappy sentiment - there is no god. Moreover, the lack of a god's existence undermines the ethereal, imagined justifications for people's lifestyles, value judgements, and their overall tenuous hold on their own sense of purpose and self -worth.

For example, these sorts of beliefs continue to reinforce the ridiculously self-delusional idea that has spread through our society that "no one is any better than anyone else". This is a completely irrational, disingenuously espoused notion of social altruism which serves no other purpose than to make people who are ugly, ignorant, or otherwise unsavory feel better about themselves. Further, people who are NOT, at first glance, possessed of any of these characteristics still encourage the idea so that they won't be killed by an angry mob for being attractive or wealthy.

Example 1: Most people are ugly, stupid, and doomed to be poor, and for all I know, I might be one of them. The fact is, I accept this fact, and don't spend my time resenting those who are not. I don't hate the rich, or the highly intelligent and educated, or the physically beautiful. In fact, I'd prefer to be around them, in the hopes that it will help me improve my own life.

But most people don't do this. They say, "god loves me and everyone else the same, and even though you're attractive, rich, and smart, you're still going to hell because you don't love Jesus." Well, doesen't that just make them feel so much better! You don't have to worry about the fact that you're ugly and stupid, because those smart pretty people who you resent so much will pay for it later! But guess what: They won't. "Don't expect me to conform to your artificial, arbitrary standards of beauty! I'm fat and hairy and gorgeous," they say. No, you're not. As Nikos Kazantzakis said, "Beauty is merciless. You do not look at it, it looks at you and does not forgive." That means you're ugly! You can either do what's possible to make yourself look better, or you can shut the f*** up. But either way, standards of beauty are NOT arbitrary. You fat, hairy bastard, you know you think the models on TV and in magazines are hot. That's because they are. Whether or not you'll ever look that way is not a societal conspiracy.

It's this paradox of worship, envy and resentment that forms a fundamental dissonance in our society. We raise celebrities, politicians and public figures to deity-like status, profess our admiration for them, put their pictures on our walls... but after a while, one of two things happens. Either they reveal themselves to be as inherently depraved and flawed as everyone else, or they unapologetically work to demonstrate how different they are from the rest of us, reminding us how unattractive and flawed WE are. In either case, we delight in subsequently tearing them down; dethroning and shaming them. How we love to see the mighty fall - but we're the ones who put them there! What did we expect? A god? There is no god. No perfection, no perfect plan, no ordered love for all with justice for the meek.

Now, do I need to go into a philosophical and metaphysical explanation of why there is no god? Well, I'm not going to, because the reasoning is self-evident, and is hung on the nails of logic and objective thought. If you're a theist and you wish to debate me, I invite you to, but this post is not for the purpose of disproving the existence of god; that's already been done many times over. It's purpose is to expose the correlation between god beliefs and the silly, self-delusional ideas about ourselves and our society that we all carry.

Example 2: Most people are stupid, and willfully ignorant. That said, there are still people out there who are smarter than you, and there always will be. There are kids right now in 8th grade who are smarter than you. Deal with it. This whole flap about closing the acheivement gap is moronic. The acheivement gap exists because MOST people are dumb, and a FEW people are really smart. You can't close that gap, idiots! Lawmakers and bleeding hearts think that by spending tons of money on 'alternative programs' for education like teaching kids multplication through rap, they can show that everyone is equally intelligent. Bill Gates isn't a trillionaire because he got lucky, it's because he's smart. The guy in his high school class who is now mopping floors wasn't "just as smart" as him. That guy isn't mopping floors just because he didn't "have the right learning environment". Now we have schools abolishing A.G. and A.P. classes so that the stupid kids won't have to be reminded that they aren't as smart as someone else. Why? If you see kids in an AP class and envy them, wouldn't you work harder to acheive that goal? Apparently not.

Apparently the best way to feel good about yourself is to say, "No one is any better than anyone else". Just like, "Jesus loves us all the same and we're all equal in heaven."

Guess what? You're wrong. There are people out there better than you, and if it pisses you off that much, get to work. Otherwise, accept your place. There is no god. Start coping. All there is is what you can do with what you've got. And if you ain't got much, work to make it more. But stop trying to equalize everyone to make it look like you've got a lot. You're hurting my goddamn ears.

>>First of all, notice he said "goddamn" even though he doesn't believe there is a god. What's up with that? Anyway, there were a few comments. Here are the two notable ones (one was an ad)
You have a really different point of view. I have never heard that theory before. In any event, I don't think anyone who has ever said "God loves me no matter what I look like" intended it as a theory to make themselves look better. Maybe the theory, "i'd rather believe in something then nothing". Seems as if you've had your butt attacked by those over religious, self-centered, higher then thou people before. In any event, I came across your blog and found it interesting and enjoyed listening to your theories.
Okay listen love the view page but babe you really should get out I mean come on its like your life is your economy ... listen to me when I say that you need to get laid okay and if you come to SC ever I will get you laid okay its a promise... and stop being so serious dear god...sorry didn't mean it you sound sexy though...

>>OK, so those are comments, but they basically say nothing about they guy's ideas. They certainly don't confront him about them, do they? The first one is decent, though it says nearly nothing. The second one is, in my opinion, pretty ignorant. Is he really going to give up philosophy to get laid on the advice of someone who posted on his blog? So, here is my response. It in itself could be a blog post, but I had a lot of thoughts on the topic, and I hope this helps you understand these ideas and know that they are false [for the most part]. I did actually agree with a few parts though. Anyway, here you are.

I have someone in my class that happens to believe basically the same thing. So, let me respond to each paragraph, if you don't mind.

As for people seeking quick answers these days, I hope you know that Christianity has evolved over 2000 years! There have been Christians for a long time, and contrary to what you believe, many of them became Christians not to find a quick way out, but because they had tried every long way to no satisfaction. After years of striving to find something, some people find it in Christ and nothing else.

As for all people being created equal, God did not mean equal in beauty, equal in intelligence. You know that isn't true, it's obvious. What you may have noticed is that those that have nothing else are often the ones that have joy, and if you have ever experienced joy, then you know it is worth so much more than beauty, so much more than wealth. All people are equal in some aspect. This aspect may not be obvious, but we are all wealthy in some aspect. (That would be a reply to paragraphs 2-3)

One thing you said disturbs me. I know many Christians do say this, but I don't agree with it: "If you don't accept Jesus, then you're going to hell!" That is HORRIBLE! I know people say it all the time, but it is not our place to judge who goes to hell. They cannot decide that. Personally, I would much rather tell people that if you accept Jesus, then you will go to heaven. But, if you need a better motive, you can go with the other statement if you want to. I'm not condemning you, but I just think God might, whether you believe he exists or not. As for conforming to beauty, there are many people out there (such as myself) that DON'T want to be like those models! As "beautiful" as they may be, it gives few of them happiness! The only way that some of them can gain happiness is, like you, to tell other people that they can't compare to their intelligence, beauty, wealth. I know you said that you may be one of those people that are not these things, but still, to tell other people that they are ugly or dumb makes people feel better, because at least they aren't alone. (Please understand, not trying to call you stupid, in fact you seem quite intelligent)

As for the fifth paragraph, I agreed with all but the last part. What I would have agreed with is: What did we expect? A god? Humans are not Gods; humans are not perfect. God is, and we should look to him as a role model, not those with beauty or wealth. I don't intend to be the annoying Christian that goes around just saying, YES GOD DOES EXIST! but if you wish to disprove God based on logic and objective though, then I apologize, but that is impossible. God is above logic, and as hard as that may be to understand, think about how much technology has evolved. People in the middle ages could not have imagined what we have today, and similarly, we cannot imagine how God works. He is above us, so above us that he is impossible to understand, and he meant it that way. That is why he is so awesome.

Hm, as for the next paragraph, let's see. There's a mix of agreeing and disagreeing in there. Many people are stupid, many people are ignorant, though I wouldn't say most, because, well, that's a paradox. If most people are stupid, then... they're not all stupid. I consider "stupid" a phrase of relativity, being relative to the rest of the population. A third of the population is stupid, a third is average, and a third is smart, NO MATTER WHAT. Now, there may be a great variation of intelligence in the "smart" group, but there will also be variations in the other two groups. I do agree, however, that the "achievement" gap cannot be closed. Stupid people will be stupid, average people will be average, smart people will be smart. You can raise all three levels equally, but not just one level. I believe that our school system is a giant failure in the first place though (see My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn). Spending more and more money certainly won't help, because the entire system is failed, and throwing more money at a flawed system won't fix it. I hadn't heard that school systems were abolishing higher classes, but if this is so, then I certainly agree that would be pointless. How do you expect students to achieve more if you take away the better opportunities anyway? It won't help the gap, because even if smart people are forced to make straight 100s in lower classes, then they still aren't equal (in intelligence) to those other students that were already making 100s in those classes. In other words, it will help the gap in terms of numbers, but not intelligence in general.

Well, as for "everyone is equal," again, that makes some people feel better. (By the way, everyone is not equal in every aspect. Think of it this way, if their wealth is 2, but their happiness is 5, then are they not equal to those that have a 5 wealth and 2 happiness? Both equal seven, no?) For some people, thinking that they are better than others make them feel better. For some people, telling other people that even if they are stupid, all the other people around are stupid too makes them feel better. (stupid could also be exchanged with ugly or poor) Heh, as for everyone being equal in heaven, most Christians I have talked to actually don't believe that. Personally, I believe some people will still get privileges, but they just won't go around laughing and pointing at those that aren't as well off, and those that are worse off will merely respect those that are better off.

As for that last paragraph, well, it's a conclusion, so let me conclude. Christianity is not the easy way out for most people. All people are not equal, but all people are equally worthy of God's love and of an eternal stay in heaven; all people are a creation of the Lord, and thus, though they may be tampered with by Satan, they are all worthy of his love. I do not agree with "If you don't accept Jesus, you're going to hell," because it's not our judgement, it's God's. People have different methods for making them feel better, and they all work to some extent (all people are equal, I am better than them, or I'm not that great but these people aren't either)Celebrities are not Gods, and it's sad that people expect them to be, but there is one God, and though you can't watch him on MTV, he's still pretty awesome. You can't disprove God based on logic because he is above that; he likes to be mysterious. Most people cannot be stupid, but the achievement gap can only be closed based on numbers, never actual intelligence. Finally, some believe people will be equal in heaven, and some don't; it's a matter of opinion.


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