Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Theory of Existence

I have come to an unbelievable conclusion in the past weeks that I could write endlessly about. However, I will withold for a little while, because it is excessively radical and I want to take a little while to consider the consequences and whether it would actually be a good idea to unleash such a conclusion. It would certainly be a blow to basically all of society and would definitely be greeted with hatred by some and welcomed by only a few.
It also may have negative consequences on those who understand only parts of it. As such, I would most certainly do my best to be utterly clear in explaining such an idea. However, for a while I plan to consider whether it is worth it, and whether seeing the truth would actually help people or simply do damage to the order society has preserved.
A lot of my ideas involve understanding and are unexplicable through words. If I explain this conclusion I would do so in an essay that may be several pages long. Yet I know some would not understand or misunderstand still. As it stands, this idea has so completely altered my thinking that it is amazing, but I am still considering whether it is a good change. I should decide within, say, a week, a month, but I am not sure. I may never tell of my idea, I may only tell a few, and I may try to announce it to the world (although the world wouldn't want to hear it).
If you want to hear a few basic ideas from this theory, ask. But at the least, do so expecting to be confused and perhaps angry.
We will see how this turns out...